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Who exactly is Timonwa?The Long Story

👋🏽 Hey there, I'm Timonwa, and I'm a lot of things! 🤭

💻 A Frontend Engineer

As a Frontend Engineer, I'm on a mission to create digital experiences that resonate. With a deep-rooted passion for clean code and elegant solutions, I breathe life into user interfaces and web applications that spark joy and engagement.

Yet, my aspirations reach beyond code and pixels. I envision a future where my work impacts not just individual users but groups of people worldwide. Building products that touch lives and amplify human connections is the path I'm forging.

From crafting captivating interfaces to sculpting digital ecosystems, I'm committed to driving change and leaving an unforgettable mark on the digital landscape. Come join me in this journey of transforming the way we interact with technology!

Timonwa smiling at the camera
Timonwa smiling at the camera

📝 A Technical Writer

Writing is my superpower. As a Technical Writer, I have a remarkable ability to refine complex technical concepts into accessible and understandable narratives. My words transcend code and serve as a bridge between the complex world of technology and the human experience. 

On my blog, you'll discover my meticulously crafted articles that simplify the most challenging topics, providing insights, tutorials, and stories that guide developers on their learning journey.

Beyond the code, I'm a storyteller, using my passion for technology and writing to empower others with knowledge. As in my other endeavours, I aim to create meaningful connections and make learning an enjoyable and enriching experience for all.

🌐 An OS Contributor

Open Source holds a special place in my journey. I'm deeply committed to the global developer community, contributing to impactful projects like Tech Roadmap and Million.js.

Beyond code, I'm driven by the values of collaboration and empowerment. I actively build open-source projects, allowing aspiring developers to access and learn from practical examples. Currently, I'm excited to be working on a project called AskAWriter, which embodies my dedication to enriching learning experiences.

For me, open source is not just about code; it's a way to give back, make an impact, and foster innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of technology.

Timonwa at the Open Source Festival (OSCAFest) 2023
Timonwa at the Open Source Festival (OSCAFest) 2023

🌱 A Mentor

Nurturing the potential of the next generation drives my purpose. As a Mentor, I find immense joy in guiding and inspiring budding talents along their coding path. My journey has led me to facilitate bootcamps, teach technical writing and frontend development, and mentor newcomers in the field. 

Witnessing their growth, overcoming challenges together, and contributing to their success fuel my enthusiasm and reinforce my commitment to making a positive impact. Time and schedule allowing, I'm always eager to extend a helping hand and share the knowledge that has shaped my own journey.

A screenshot of a Google Meet mentorship session
A screenshot of a Google Meet mentorship session

🙌🏼 A Volunteer

Beyond mentoring, I actively volunteer  within the tech community, contributing to various aspects of events, whether it's planning, coordination, media, logistics, and more. Participating in the behind-the-scenes efforts of these events not only allows me to give back to the community but also exposes me to different facets of the tech world. It's my way of ensuring the success of conferences and gatherings that foster collaboration, learning, and growth within the tech industry.

Timonwa is standing in front of a No-code tech summit banner. She is smiling and pointing to the banner.
Timonwa at the No Code Tech Summit 2022
Timonwa is sitting behind a table alongside another female volunteer. She is working on a laptop. The Mara Blockchain Masterclass banner is behind them.
Timonwa volunteering at the Mara Blockchain Masterclass 2022

🎙️ A Speaker

Sharing insights through talks has become a newfound passion of mine. I have recently embarked on a journey of public speaking, where I engage with diverse audiences on various topics within the tech realm. 

Whether it's discussing the intricacies of coding, exploring the vast landscape of open source, or offering career advice, I strive to deliver talks that inform, inspire, and connect.

Each talk is an opportunity for me to contribute to the knowledge-sharing community and inspire others to embrace their own unique paths in technology.

💡 A Designer

Unleashing innovation through design is one of my strengths. As an Engineer with a keen eye for aesthetics, I utilize design principles to shape user-centred interfaces that seamlessly blend form and function. 

In the early stages of my learning journey, while I leaned more towards coding than designing, my understanding of design has proven invaluable in creating impactful digital experiences. Now, I prefer UX over UI, I have successfully designed and contributed to the design process of various projects and websites for clients and open-source initiatives. 

My design knowledge enriches my coding process, allowing me to collaborate effectively with designers and enhance user experiences on every site and app I develop.

🎨 A Creator

Beyond the screen, I'm a life enthusiast inclined to explore and create. I channel my creativity into diverse artistic mediums, from drawing and painting to string and embroidery art, photography, poetry, and content creation. Embracing the joy of experimentation, I'm on a continuous journey of embracing my multifaceted creativity, finding inspiration in various artistic mediums that bring joy and fulfillment to my life.

Additionally, I find solace in writing poetry—a way to express my thoughts and feelings, capturing moments of my journey in beautiful words and verses.

Whether through visual art or written expressions, I'm passionate about infusing creativity into every aspect of my life.

📹 A Content Creator

As an avid content creator, I channel my creativity into content creation that resonates with my journey as an introvert and someone navigating social anxiety. I'm building a supportive community through platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, where individuals like me can connect and find solace.(The links to these platforms are on my contact page.)

Sometimes, I create tech-related content too, offering a mix of relatable and humorous takes on the tech world. I'm dedicated to fostering a supportive community that covers a spectrum of topics, from sharing technical insights to my personal experiences.

Through my content, I'm crafting connections and inspiring discussions. And as a true advocate for balance, I find fulfillment in both the virtual world and the tangible, striking a harmonious chord between technology and creativity. 🌈


So, that's me in a nutshell! A blend of code, creativity, and community, all striving for a world where technology enriches lives and connections.

Thanks for taking the time to explore the facets of my journey. Whether it's crafting code, sharing insights, mentoring newcomers, or embracing creativity, I'm always up for a meaningful conversation or collaboration. Let's connect, learn, and grow together!

Catch you on the digital waves,


Timonwa at the beach
Timonwa at the beach